Monday, August 6, 2012

From the archives of the PRTC Fatbook

I have been cleaning out and purging my possessions, and I came across a 3"x5" fatbook I used as a crew member while I was an Apprentice at the Purple Rose in Chelsea, MI. Along with my notes for each show, there are also quite a few drawings in this wee notebook (you can tell it's from work by the lists about stockings and hairspray accompanying the drawings). They are all the product of my brain; I don't think any of these are drawn from life.

Almost all the drawings are in ballpoint pen of varying colors, and they are all from January-June 2011.

These lovely, deadly ladies are wielding saws-alls, a super cool tool I used with the rest of the crew while extracting various bits and pieces from the Screw Works factory building in Chelsea to use in the set of "Consider the Oyster" in June 2011.

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